Friday, May 28, 2010

D'alliance Carnivale @ Currumbin RSL

So busy, so much to juggle....

Do not miss D'Alliance Carnivale @ Currumbin RSL this weekend.

Comedy, acrobats, story telling, henna tattoos, free art workshops for the kids, clowns, stilt performers, art & sculpture, magicians, live music.... something for the whole family!

Me and my little girl went to the first D'Alliance Carnivale last year and had a fantastic time. This year the event is spread over 4 days with Saturday being free entry.

And that's my little girl dancing last year @ about 3.58 minutes!

Check the full event schedule @....

Monday, May 24, 2010

You have got to check out "Lightmares"!

Attended the opening of "Lightmares" Saturday night and I very impressed and inspired.

Met with a couple of the artists and I had to say my favourite pieces were the magpie collection by artist/teacher Fiona Kennedy Altoft.

There were some beautiful illustrations by Hannah Smith and some amazing kinetic art by Michael Candy. The Berlin artist, Mymo, had created quite a number of gorgeous little mymonster characters. There is something for everyone!

Fiona Kennedy Altoft

"You can run but you can't hide"

Check it all out @....

Friday, May 21, 2010

...stumbled upon Heath Killen

Wow, I just happen to stumble upon this freelance Graphic Designer and Artist Heath Killen based in Newcastle and I love his work.



There is so much more and check out Heath Killen's blog...
(particularly the post dated 19 May, re: bank note)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lightmares @ 19 Karen

22 MAY- 19 JUNE 2010
Opening Night: Sat 22 May, 6-9pm

LIGHTMARES is an 8-week art program held at 19 KAREN invoving an on-site studio residency, exhibitions, workshops, talks,live painting and side-events. Over 50 artworks created at the gallery studio will be showcased at 19 KAREN from 22 May-19 June 2010 featuring works by internationally-renowned Berlin artist MYMO and emerging Australian artists SUSAN SIMONINI, VITOR DOS SANTOS, GEORG WHELAN, HANNAH SMITH, WILL DUNCAN, ABIGAEL WHITTAKER, MCHAEL CANDY, FIONA KENNEDY ALTOFT + JESSE DOLMAN.

See you Saturday night!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mad Hatter Tea!

This is one of my long awaited Logos for Tea packaging, "Matter Hatter Tea" actually!

My husband loves it and wants it printed on a T-Shirt!?


I immediately shelved this design (for a T-Shirt) and continued work on my logo for "Storm in a Teacup". I might tone down the madness!

To be continued.....

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Condom Tin Design

This is my response to the Condom Tin Design Competition. The Pop Art influence gave a bright punchy result and the message is a direct hit!

Make sure you vote for my design.

Thanx heaps!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ben Frost

In researching and gathering inspiration for the Condom Tin Design Competition, I decided to look into the artwork of Ben Frost, one of the 3 judges for the competition.

I was very drawn to and interested in what I found.

Sydney artist Ben Frost is most well known for his confronting and often controversial Pop Art paintings. Using a 'collage' style of unlikely juxtapositions, his dynamic paintings are complex mash-ups of popular culture that savagely critique our media and advertising obsessed society.

I am keen to go with a Pop Art style for my condom tin design.

I will keep you all "posted"!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sydney Artist - Tania Wursig

One of my favourite Artists is Tania Wursig, and about 15 years ago, (in what seems another lifetime), I stumbled upon this beautiful artist at Paddington Markets in Sydney and bought an exquisite framed print of "Water Nymphs".

Sydney born and based, Tania Wursig is best known for her flamboyant palette and exploration of the sensual, her paintings are a celebration of the feminine.

A graduate of Sydney College of the Arts, majoring in fashion and textile design, this artist's unique style combines her distinctive compositions with the textural possibilities of painting on damasks, lace and other vintage textiles.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"15 minutes of fame"

"In the future everyone will be famous for 15 minutes."

Andy Warhol's comment in 1968 and the insight it expressed emerged from his own fascination with fame and celebrities. His view of the media was that they could enable any person to become famous.

Becoming bored with continually being asked about this particular statement, Warhol attempted to confuse interviewers by changing the statement variously to "In the future 15 people will be famous" and "In 15 minutes everybody will be famous."

15 minutes of fame, is now a phenomenon often used in reference to figures in the entertainment industry or other areas of popular culture, such as reality tv.

And with the rise of online social networking like Facebook and Blogs, we all have our 15 minutes of fame.

People on Facebook...
  • More than 400 million active users
  • 50% of active users log on to Facebook in any given day
  • Average user has 130 friends
  • People spend over 500 billion minutes per month on Facebook
If you can't beat them join them! That's all I can say!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Famous Logo Designers

With "Student Hat" on, I stumbled across a Logo Blog I would like to share.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Don't Forget Your Party Hat!

It is Saturday night, don't forget your party hat!

What is your brand preference? Bright, funny, quirky, traditional, masculine, dark & alluring, cute & cuddly, romantic, flavours maybe your thing?

Protection - wear a hat!

Mad Hatter Tea?

What is your cup of tea?

Black tea, English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Green Tea, Jasmine Tea, Lemon Tea, Camomile Tea, Chai Tea, Organic Tea, Ginger Tea, Lemongrass Tea, Rosehip Tea....

Or do you go the regular teas like Liptons, Tetley or good old Bushells?

How do you like the sound of "Mad Hatter Tea" or "Storm in a Teacup"? Would you try these new brands of tea if they were out there on the shelves of your local supermarket?

Let me know what type of tea you particularly like, when (breakfast or anytime etc.) and why.

Maybe tea is just not your "cup of tea". You may just be a coffee head! It's all good.

I will keep you "posted" with my tea packaging ideas real soon! (once I get your comments!)