Well we arrived in Trichy safe and sound. The flight to Kuala Lumpur was very good, it was an Air Bus, so the landing was also nice and smooth. Kuala Lumpur reminded me a little like Bangkok and Bali I spose, nice and hot 30degrees and humid. Busy, alot quite modern, some old, green and reasonably clean. Mostly Muslim, Hindu and Indians in KL. Hotel Sentral in good position, satisfactory and clean. Food good. Jumped on monorail next morning and stopped off at Petaling Street where there are heaps of markets. It will be very good shopping on way back. Flight to Trichy was good too, nice new airport, basic though. I think I was the only Blonde on the plane! We were welcomed by Mikey's cousin Johnny with flowers for me and the kids. He is very sweet. We were also welcomed by our driver Chella with a Hindu garland of flowers. Our mini bus is quite new, air conditioned and comfortable. Our hotel is reasonable and comfortable. The kids went swimming in the pool straight away. It is hot 30 degrees or more and humid. Trichy is a small city for India, busy of course, cows on the streets, and it is quite green. We had dinner at our hotel in their very popular full service, air conditioned Restaurant. Lovely buffet packed with Indian food. Jesse got right into it, but MIa still doesn't like any spices yet, but she was a good girl and tried alot of different things. In the end she ate plain rice and chicken and a few little bread rolls and of course a little chocolate cake. She then fell asleep in my arms. We are about 41/2 hrs behind over here, so me and the kids went straight to bed after dinner. I seem to wake up Australian time, so here I am at laptop catching up on emails etc. Anyway, we will be traveling again today in our mini bus first to visit the Rock Fort Temple in Trichy and then to Villuparum where Mikey's parents lived. Then on to Chennai and Mahabliparum on the east coast where we stay for 3 nites and Mikey is hoping for surf!
Everything great so far, we are looking forward to a few days stop at Mahabliparum.

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