Well it has been quite a while since I have blogged, but I thought what a great opportunity to get back into it with documenting our trip to India. It all starts today with our flight from Gold Coast to Kuala Lumpur flying Air Asia. Wow, we are impressed with the Air Asia flight, comfortable and friendly and very safe smooth landing (always tells it all for me). I am dragging around my laptop on this trip and I did some work during the flight.
I liked Kuala Lumpur as soon as I disembarked, 30 degrees and humid! We have only just checked into our hotel and free wifi!! Cool!
So now we are all hungry and are just about to find some dinner and check out some markets or something!
Tomorrow we will spend the morning sight-seeing and then back to the airport in the arvo to South India!
Until the next internet connection we find during our journey...
have a great time - good to hear from you, & stay safe